Frequently Asked Questions - My Sales

Can I add products from more than one lab into one price plan?

No, if you choose to lab-fulfil your orders will automatically be sent to your chosen lab. Therefore, each lab needs to have its own price plan. 

You can find out more about setting up a price plan using a partner lab here.

Can I add self-fulfil products into a lab-fulfilled price plan?

No, you cannot add self-fulfil products into a lab-fulfilled price plan. This means that if your orders are being lab-fulfilled by one of our partner labs, all the products within that price plan must be supplied by that dedicated partner lab. This keeps shipping charges and delivery times clear and simple for the customer. 

If you would like to offer both lab-fulfilled products and self-fulfilled products you should create two price plans - one lab price plan and one self-fulfilment - so that you can manage the orders directly with your fulfilment suppliers.


What's the funds flow?

The funds flow is described in detail in this help article.

Can I sell gift vouchers?

Yes, you can sell many different types of digital items, two of which are gift vouchers.

  • Voucher (automatically fulfilled) - Buyer Chooses Amount: This voucher type has a default price (normally a minimum amount) but the buyer can choose any amount during checkout. This is the best general-purpose voucher.
  • Voucher (automatically fulfilled) - Fixed Amount: This voucher type has a specific price chosen by you and the buyer cannot change it. However, he can purchase multiples by changing the quantity. Use this when selling a voucher for a specific future purpose that has a fixed price. For example, a voucher for a future portrait sitting, meal for two, workshop or beauty treatment. You can also include fixed amount vouchers in a package, for example, bundling prints or downloads with a voucher for future work.

To start selling gift vouchers, create a price plan or edit an existing one in My Sales > Price Plans. Theimagefile will then take care of all the details - sales, delivery to the buyer, balance-tracking and final redemption.

Find out more about selling gift vouchers here. 

Can I sell downloads?

Yes, you can sell downloads through your website. It's easy to set up by including the download size you want to sell in your price plan. Click on the "sale items" tab, then on the sub-tab, "my digital items", and finally, enter the price you are selling for.  


Selling digital downloads is available in all price plan options.

Find out more about selling downloads here.

Can I set up discounts and promo codes?

Yes, you can create multiple discounts, for different sales volumes and expiration times, so your customers will always have a reason to buy more and buy quickly. 

You can offer different types of discounts including: 

  • Discounts on large purchases, for example, orders over £50, to encourage customers to buy more. 
  • Expiring discounts, for example, free shipping for the next 24 hours, to encourage customers to buy now.

All price plans can include multiple discounts. 

Find out more about setting up discounts and promo codes here.

Where can I see my sales?

You can see your sales by going to My Sales > Reports > Sales History. 

Find out more about what happens when you get a sale here. 

Can I re-send the email to my customer?

Yes. When a customer places an order, we automatically send an invoice email from you to the customer, as well as a copy of that email to you.

You can always re-send the email - to you, your customer or both. To do this, go to My Sales > Reports > Sales History. Then click on the order number, scroll to "Email" and follow the instructions to re-send the email.

Find out more about re-sending emails to your customers here. 

Do you take a commission?

We take zero commission on all direct payments.